Saturday, June 4, 2011

Uptown Liz: Where Shopping Gives Back

Now that I've completed my internship, I want to talk little bit more about the wonderful company I'd been working for.

Uptown Liz was launched in memory of the founder's 28-year old sister, Liz, who died of breast cancer in 2006. It is an online marketplace that promotes products sold by companies that donate a portion or all of the proceeds to different charitable organizations.

In just one semester, I gained an immeasurable amount of knowledge that I could have only gained through experience. I was blessed with the opportunity to work for an amazing company and an awesome person.

The founder of Uptown Liz was my supervisor, and she did her best to help me learn as much as I possibly could in a short amount of time. A lot of internships are filled with busy work, but I was doing actual tasks that the marketing coordinator of a company would do.

I was able to research and contact many charitable organizations on a daily basis, which was really interesting and fun for me. I occasionally received positive feedback from founders of organizations about the good work I was doing, including comedian Chris Rock's wife, Malaak Compton-Rock.

I feel this internship was the perfect stepping stool to help with my adjustment from college to a career. And even if I didn't gain all this experience and knowledge, it still would have been worth it because it's a great company driven by philanthropy.

To learn more about Uptown Liz or to shop for a cause, visit

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