Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So ready...

I am SO ready to graduate! It doesn't matter that I still don't know what I want to do or where I want to be, but I just want to be finished with school already! It's funny because it was possible to graduate after this semester (although it would have been ridiculously overwhelming and stressful), but I opted for waiting because I was scared of the idea of being a college graduate with no distinct plans. Now, I say screw it! This semester may be quite possibly the semester from hell. It might have something to do with my last year being ridiculously fun and easy at DCU ♥ in Ireland and my lack of errr... motivation of receiving good grades. I treated it as my year off of complete enjoyment consisting of adventures from traveling Europe to drinking in the pubs. But also as I'm nearing the end, classes are getting a lot harder. I feel like I've worked SO hard this semester and should be nearly finished with my classes, but I'm still only halfway done. I am glad that next semester will give me the opportunity to get a much-needed internship to hopefully lead me to a possible career choice or at least some kind of direction. Right now I'm thinking interning for a non-profit organization would be extremely fulfilling and worthwhile.

Graduation Pictures, Images and Photos

May 2011, I am so ready!

1 comment:

  1. I think this happens to everyone - they're ready for it to be over a semester before it actually is. Whether they took 3 years to graduate or 6!
