Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pay It Forward

I was recently invited on facebook to 'Pay it Forward' on Wednesday, December 1st. This entails doing at least one random act of kindness or good deed for someone in hopes that they will share the kindness and spread some joy to someone else. A random act of kindness really does go a long way, and this is the perfect time of year to do so. It really is amazing what one small gesture can do. I am proudly joining the 301,868 participants paying it forward tomorrow. It doesn't really matter what day you do this, but I just think it's very important to pay it forward. After all, you may be a recipient of this kindhearted act one day when you need it most.

Pay it forward Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! People should "pay it foward" more often!!!! Be kind to everyone, even stranger :) Happy Friday!
